Just a few public speaking tips you will find helpful

Speaking in public is not a skill that a lot of us have, but it's a knowledge that is advantageous in many parts of life. Read more to learn more.

Speakers like Massimo Cimatti have years of experience in public speaking, but even the most experienced of speakers are still faced with anxiousness now and again. One of the best public speaking techniques to beat the nerves is to have a very good warm up habit. Keeping to a little routine will help comfort you and psych you up for the presentation. An additional way to calm your nerves before an important presentation is by preparing well ahead of time. Preparation is key in absolutely anything you do in life, and it is likewise one of the best tips for public speaking anxiety.

When thinking about giving a good speech like Johan Andresen, it is important to first of all write an excellent speech that will capture the attention of your listeners. There is a series of verbal tactics and good public speaking techniques that will elevate your speech to a whole new level and will make you appear very charismatic. Using metaphors is one these techniques. A metaphor is like a mini-story since it enables you to say much more than what just fits into that sentence. It is likewise a fantastic method for exposing new concepts – tying a concept that everybody knows and understands to a new one is a effective tool to get your ideas across to your listeners. But use them modestly – knowing when to use a specific metaphor is among the most effective public speaking techniques. Rhetorical questions is another verbal strategy that can have a significant impact on your audience and convey your point really well. The reason why this tactic works so well is because a question, even one that no one is expecting you to answer, engages people psychologically.

When we think about giving a speech we often focus too much on our words, and we completely forget that there are many other non-verbal aspects of our presentation that will determine how it's received by the audience. Any experienced speaker like Fredrik Lundberg for example knows that our non-verbal behaviour communicates much more than what our words say. Research has found that hand gestures, smiling, intensity and pitch of your voice are all important for capturing the attention of your audience. When giving the talk, ensure to use all of the space available to you. When we feel anxious we frequently tend to move as little as possible, but this will just make you appear worried and unnatural. Do not cross your arms or keep your hands in your pocket – an open posture will make you seem more confident and your audience will be more receptive of what you have to say.

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